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Patient Stories

I Thought My Symptoms Were Caused by My Leg Cast: Jody’s Story

After I broke a bone in my foot, I was put in a leg cast up to my knee. I was told to keep it elevated, don’t put any weight on it, and rest. Ten days later, I felt lightheaded and my cast was feeling tighter, so I went to the doctor. They put on…

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Do Not Take Your Good Health for Granted: Ardith’s Story

When my symptoms started, I was 34 years old, a bride-to-be and an avid runner. In fact, I was going to run a half-marathon the week before my wedding. Training had been going well, but as race day approached, I noticed I was feeling unusually tired. To save energy for the wedding, I skipped the…

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Go to the ER Right Away: Christine’s Story

“You need to go to the ER right away.” Those were the words a doctor said to be over video chat on Easter. “No, that can’t be right,” I thought. Sure, I could work out more and eat cleaner, but overall, I was pretty healthy. The doctor thought I may have a blood clot in…

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Another Chance at Life: Rachael’s Story

At 44 years old, I never knew the impact a blood clot could have on someone’s life, especially my own! Both physically and emotionally, 2019 has been a rough year for me. I was diagnosed with a chronic back issue in January 2019, and after many months of conservative treatments, I decided to schedule a…

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Being an RN Didn’t Help Me: Sarah’s Story

I am a registered nurse, but that didn’t help me spot my issue. I was working a shift, and I felt very run down and tired. I thought maybe I was catching the flu. My left leg felt kind of tingly like my foot was asleep, and I had some pain in my groin, which…

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This Can’t Be Happening: Tom’s Story

On December 31, 2014, I went to a dinner party at a friend’s house for New Year’s Eve. I was uncomfortable the whole time. Simply put, my calf ached. I remember thinking, “That’s odd, I haven’t exercised in days, so why does my calf hurt so much?” I struggled to sleep that night and spent the next…

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Knowledge of Blood Clot Risks and Symptoms Saved Me: Bella’s Story

I was sitting outside enjoying the fresh air when my FitBit said my heart rate was up to 100. I just had surgery to put in a plate and screws for a broken tibia (shin bone). My mom was concerned that she saw signs of a blood clot in my leg. When she touched my…

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A Constant Headache Was a Sign of Something Serious: Marjorie’s Story

Eight years ago, when I was 23 years old, I suffered a deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or blood clot in my leg. My doctors put me on heparin and warfarin for six months, and I was instructed to stop hormonal birth control. I figured since I stopped estrogen-based birth control, I would be fine, even…

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Don’t Stop Until There is an Answer: Becca’s Story

At 19 years old, I never knew how much blood clots could affect my life. I worked at a daycare center all summer and, as a result, I was active every day chasing and playing with kids. One day, I woke up with severe back pain. I brushed it off at first, and blamed the…

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How A Drawing Saved My Life: Lori’s Story

In August 2014, I was overwhelmed with joy after delivering my baby boy, Jack. He was perfect, the delivery was pretty easy, and I was ready to go home. During a brief moment of quiet during his nap, I perused through the endless literature provided by the hospital. A hand drawing of a leg, with…

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