Council of Emerging Researchers in Thrombosis (CERT)

NBCA’s Council of Emerging Researchers in Thrombosis (CERT) provides a platform for collaboration among early career clinicians and researchers working in the field of thrombosis and thrombophilia with aims to promote and execute research and scientific endeavors on behalf of thrombosis patients.

“CERT heralds in a new day of collaboration on research projects and clinical trials between thrombosis patients and clinicians which should be the model for all research efforts going forward. Additionally, CERT is the foundation for educating clinicians early in their career to ensure they have the tools necessary to identify and treat thrombosis. The CERT members will play a critical role in educating other early-stage clinicians so we can finally close the gap on the lack of thrombosis knowledge that currently exists in this country,” – NBCA Board Chair, Teresa Bordeaux

Rushad Patell, MD (Chair)

Hematologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center with a research focus on thrombosis and hemostasis and Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Dana Angelini, MD (Co-Chair)

Hematology/Oncology Physician and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Cleveland Clinic

Shruti Chaturvedi, MBBS, MSCI

Associate Professor Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Alejandra Gutierrez Bernal, MD

Assistant Professor in Cardiovascular Critical Care, University of Minnesota

Ang Li, MD, MS

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine

Anjlee Mahajan, MD

Assistant Clinical Professor, UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento Health Sciences

Jori E. May, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Anna Parks, MD

Assistant Professor and Director of Thrombosis, University of Utah Division of Hematology

Jordan Schaefer, MD, FACP

Assistant Professor, Hematology, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology, University of Michigan Health System

Leben Tefera, MD

Staff physician, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Cleveland Clinic

Current News

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