
Introducing the NBCA Advocacy Institute

Introducing the NBCA Advocacy Institute

To put an end to the 100,000 deaths each year to blood clots, the National Blood Clot Alliance is accelerating its advocacy efforts by launching the NBCA Advocacy Institute.

The goal of the NBCA Advocacy Institute is to train patients, caregivers, clinicians, and others impacted by blood clots to advocate for blood clot education and awareness initiatives and influence public policy at both the state and federal levels throughout the year.


March 2024 marked the third year that NBCA has advocated on Capitol Hill for funding that would allow the CDC to develop a national blood clot education and awareness program for both the public and health care providers. Each year, we continue to gather support for our advocacy objectives.

We’ve learned that raising awareness is not relegated to a day or even a month. It is an ongoing process that requires a group of people to share their personal connection to blood clots in an organized way through NBCA. In order to save lives, we must continue to raise our voices all year long.


Members of the NBCA Advocacy Institute will receive comprehensive training by NBCA on how to advocate for blood clot education and awareness initiatives and influence public policy.

Training includes but is not limited to:

  • Developing a deep understanding of the science of blood clots as well as causes, treatments and prevention methods
  • Learning and sharing the impact of blood clots in various populations
  • Media training
  • Understanding of government agencies and how they influence public policy
  • Targeted storytelling
  • Learning what data is relevant to Congressional offices from Congressional staffers
  • Participating in blood clot policy workgroups


Members of the NBCA Advocacy Institute will be required to:

  • Undergo an interview with NBCA
  • Attend a two-hour virtual training session every quarter
  • Participate in policy update calls
  • Participate in briefings with Congressional offices
  • Attend Capitol Hill Day in Washington, DC in March for Blood Clot Awareness Month
  • Promote Blood Clot Awareness Month in their state
  • Be available for media interviews and provide comments to the media when required
  • Assist in the annual appropriations request process

Interested participants must fill out the application below. Please note that training will require a significant time commitment. If you or an immediate family member receive pharma funding, you are ineligible to participate.

NBCA Advocacy Institute Interest Form

The goal of the NBCA Advocacy Institute is to train patients, caregivers, clinicians, and others impacted by blood clots to advocate for blood clot education and awareness initiatives and influence public policy at both the state and federal levels throughout the year.

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For more information about the NBCA Advocacy Institute, please contact info@stoptheclot.org.