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The Doctor Said a DVT Was Highly Unlikely: Kelly’s Story

One week I was a healthy 24-year-old hiking mountains, the next I was bedridden in a hospital with an unprovoked 20cm DVT. I had an unusual cramping pain in my leg on a Friday night. I took some painkillers and decided to sleep it off. The next morning I felt okay and set off for…

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Factor V Leiden Runs In My Family: Abby’s Story

When I was a child, my brother and I were tested for factor V Leiden after my father had a clot that traveled to his lungs (PE) and was diagnosed with the factor V disorder. The test came back normal for both me and my brother. About 10 years later, I was 22, working my…

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Monitor Your Own Vitals: Jamie’s Story

It was June of 2023. I was five days postpartum when I started to get really erratic blood pressure readings. It would go from 177/206 to 123/79 within minutes, up and down like a roller coaster. I was also having palpitations and I remember telling the doctor later that I had a twinge of pain…

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They Couldn’t Figure Out What Was Wrong: Shantelle’s Story

When I was 20, I had some pain in my leg. I chalked it up to a pulled muscle. In the next few days, it seemed to get worse. My mom convinced me to go to the hospital, but they told me I was constipated and sent me home. The pain continued to get worse…

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My Lungs Felt Itchy: Jessica’s Story

In 2021 I was feeling healthier than I had in years because I spent the previous 10 months working out and eating better. On April 14, I had varicose veins treated in my right leg. Two weeks later, I had a follow-up where they did an ultrasound on the leg and released me to resume…

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My Doctor Told Me I Almost Died: Tonia’s Story

On March 21, 2024, I woke up having extreme shortness of breath while trying to get ready for work. Finally, I decided to text my boss to tell him I was going to be late. I made it to work at 10:00 and let my boss know what was going on with me. At the…

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My Doctors Say I’m Lucky: Marta’s Story

I was at work just sitting down when my heart started racing. My Apple Watch alerted me that my heart was beating at 140 bpm, something I had never felt before. I chalked it up to just being overworked and tired. So I sat down drank some water and took a break. My heart started…

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I Didn’t Give Blood Clots a Second Thought Before Experiencing Mine: Alison’s Story

Last July, I started feeling tightness in my chest when I breathed in deeply. I ignored it for awhile, as it didn’t seem to cause any real issues. A month or so later, I went to my doctor to make sure it wasn’t Covid or another respiratory infection. The doctor ran basic bloodwork, which came…

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I Now Live My Life to the Fullest Every Day: Meghan’s Story

In April 2022, I was a normal 18-year-old preparing for graduation and college. My world would soon flip when I was diagnosed with a DVT that went from my hip to ankle. I was an active high schooler. I was a part of the varsity cheer team and marching band. When the pain in my…

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I’m Grateful for the Insightful Urgent Care Provider Who Saved My Life: Mary’s Story

I had lower right leg pain for more than a month. I finally went to urgent care in October 2022. I described the pain as a pinging inside my leg and I thought it was a stress fracture. The provider asked a few questions about medications. I told her I took tamoxifen to reduce a…

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