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My Doctor Dismissed My Leg Pain as Sciatica: Ashley’s Story

At 31 weeks pregnant, I was getting ready for the arrival of my baby when I started experiencing extreme pain in my left leg. I remember going to my baby shower and barely being able to walk. This was very concerning, so the next day, I called my OB/GYN and explained my symptoms. Unfortunately, she…

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We Need More Voices, But Too Many of Us Aren’t Lucky Enough to Share Our Stories: Kyra’s Story

When I gave birth to my son, I was so excited to be a parent. But I began having headaches that were not normal. In the hospital, I was given medication to clot my blood because of slightly more than average blood loss. I was also given extra blood pressure checks because my blood pressure…

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I Dealt With Pain and Swelling For Five Years: LaVon’s Story

After leaving the gym in 2017, I experienced the worst pain imaginable in my right leg without having an injury. I thought maybe the pain would leave after icing and elevating it. But, as the day went on, the pain and swelling worsened to the point I couldn’t stand or walk on it. I went…

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Blood Clot Survivors Can Do Anything: Charles’ Story

In the summer of 2012, I was training hard, running, lifting weights, and eating clean. My goal was to be in my best shape for my best friend’s bachelor party in Las Vegas on Labor Day Weekend. My wife and I also took a trip to Europe. I was running along cobblestone streets and swimming.…

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Trust Your Instincts and Advocate For Your Loved Ones: Christian and Leah’s Story

On January 19, 2024, I received a call from my 13-year-old son, Christian. He was struggling to breathe. He’d been unwell for weeks, starting with an unknown virus that had progressed to pneumonia. Just the day before, he was diagnosed and treated in an ER. We took him back, assuming his breathing issues were a…

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I Was Described as Neurotic: Caroline’s Story

In April 2022 here in New Zealand, my first pulmonary embolism was detected by chance. I mentioned a fluttery heart while having a routine flu vaccine. This prompted the nurse to check, and she discovered an irregular rhythm. The doctor then ordered a few tests, including a D-dimer. By that night I was in the…

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Today, I’m Blessed to Have My Health: Kimberly’s Story

I started having superficial clots (SVTs) in the early 1990s, which was attributed to birth control. Genetic testing was not available at that time. I joined a list serve (email group) to learn more. Fifteen years later, with occasional SVTs and genetic testing now available, I was diagnosed with one factor V Leiden gene (heterozygous).…

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My Leg Pain Was Shrugged Off as a Labor Injury: Courtney’s Story

At five days postnatal, I started having pain in my right calf. I rang maternity at the hospital, who ran through the clot checklist: “Is it hot to touch? No. Is it red? No. Is it swollen? No.” Apart from the pain, there were no other symptoms. I was told to ring back if the…

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My Family History With Clots Saved My Life: Sadie’s Story

In December 2022, I experienced a miscarriage and developed constant pain in my right calf. Because my mom and an extended family member have a history of blood clots, I called my doctor right away to get it looked at. The doctor ran a D-dimer blood test and it came back high, so an ultrasound…

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I’m More Mindful: Lainey’s Story

I was being evaluated for chest pain by a pulmonologist who was treating me with opioids. The night before my diagnosis, I was participating in a group yoga class where I won a T-shirt for sweating the most. I had pools of sweat under me like it was a Bikram class, but the A/C was…

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