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If Something Feels Off, Get It Checked Out: Emily’s Story

When I went in for hip surgery to repair my labrum — a ring of cartilage in the hip that stabilizes and cushions the hip joint — I was excited. After two years of limited mobility, I couldn’t wait to get back to the active lifestyle I loved. I’d likely injured myself training for triathlons,…

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Blood Clot Survivors Can Do Anything: Charles’ Story

In the summer of 2012, I was training hard, running, lifting weights, and eating clean. My goal was to be in my best shape for my best friend’s bachelor party in Las Vegas on Labor Day Weekend. My wife and I also took a trip to Europe. I was running along cobblestone streets and swimming.…

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Trust Your Instincts and Advocate For Your Loved Ones: Christian and Leah’s Story

On January 19, 2024, I received a call from my 13-year-old son, Christian. He was struggling to breathe. He’d been unwell for weeks, starting with an unknown virus that had progressed to pneumonia. Just the day before, he was diagnosed and treated in an ER. We took him back, assuming his breathing issues were a…

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It’s an Ongoing Battle to Stay Well and Manage This Life Condition: Callum’s Story

At 29, I considered myself to be fit and almost indestructible. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink and I have a myriad of athletic accomplishments. I’ve run multiple marathons, I’m at a healthy weight, and I train in the gym regularly. All of the above left me feeling completely lost when I started to experience…

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Surgery and Travel Resulted in Three DVTs: Chris’ Story

In 2006, I completed my fall lacrosse season in my senior year at Eastern University. I was experiencing a lot of knee pain and after an examination, I was diagnosed with a torn meniscus. I needed knee surgery to clean out the knee and fix the tear. The day after my surgery, I noticed that…

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I’ve Learned to Navigate the Challenges of Being a Survivor: Daisy’s Story

In 2022, I was running three times a week training for my first half marathon when I noticed swelling and cramping in my left leg . I shrugged it off as overtraining or a Baker cyst behind my knee. Until that point, I had been a very healthy 44-year-old wife, mom, and teacher. I never…

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I’m So Thankful For The Urgent Care Doctor: Amy’s Story

I was an active 40-year-old woman. I ran every day and had three sons who were keeping me busy. I had noticed for over a month that I would have calf pain during my daily runs. Since I only had pain while running, I figured it was related to exercise and gave it little thought.…

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VTOS is a Medical Emergency: Elise’s Story

On October 24, 2023, my 13-year-old daughter Elise’s arm began to swell and change color during swim practice. Elise has been a competitive swimmer since she was five years old and being at practice was a routine part of her day for many, many years. Her coaches did not know what was wrong with her…

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This Was a Wakeup Call: Emily’s Story

In October 2020 I began to experience difficulties breathing, sharp stabbing pains, and dizziness that continued for for five days. During this time, I was avid long distance runner and weight lifter. My life revolved around fitness. I assumed since I was in such good physical condition that something like this would ever happen to…

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I Beat the Odds: Kyle’s Story

I experienced deep vein thrombosis during my senior year of college that turned into a pulmonary embolism, which derailed my college baseball career. My symptoms included shortness of breath, leg swelling, calf pain and fatigue. Upon being rushed into the ICU due to the size of my clot and severity of the PE, I was…

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