My Baby Saved Me: Kelly’s Story

…history or any major illnesses. I was referred to a hematologist who found that I have 2 conditions that predispose me to blood clots, May-Thurners Syndrome (my iliac artery clamps…


…UCLA, Los Angeles MASAB Medical Memo #2, September 25, 2017 …

Survey: Depression and Anxiety Are Common After a Blood Clot

…and mental wellbeing following diagnosis. It addressed many …

An Overdue Diagnosis: Alysa’s Story

…that initial hospital stay, I was eager to find more answers, so I had several tests done and was finally diagnosed with a rare vascular disorder called May-Thurner Syndrome (MTS)…


…post-thrombotic syndrome. by Michael B. Streiff …

The Day that Changed My Life: Philip’s Story 

…economy class syndrome, or flying long distances in a very small space, without moving around. I previously was away, driving in my lorry, or truck, for five and half days…

Do Not Ignore Anything, Even if You Feel Like it’s Nothing: Eilidh’s Story

…is nothing. The recovery process is a slow one, but you will get better if you never give up. Resources Travel Living Your Best Life on Blood Thinners Post-Thrombotic Syndrome