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Mental health

Living with Post-Thrombotic Anxiety: Holly’s Story

I had my first pulmonary embolism (PE) at the age of 30. My symptoms began with prolonged shortness of breath for about six weeks. There were many days when I woke up unable to breathe. I disregarded this symptom because I assumed I was just out of shape. However, my shortness of breath got progressively…

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If I Had Waited Any Longer, I Could Have Died: Allyson’s Story

I am 18 years old and during November 2020 I contracted COVID-19. A few months later, I started having pain in my leg and I found it difficult to breathe. My mom took me to the doctor and they told me it was just anxiety. But three days later, I convinced my mom that something…

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Knowledge is Power: Sheila’s Story

On September 5, 2021 I woke up in the middle of the night with a cramping pain in my right leg, which didn’t seem like anything serious at the time. I woke up the next morning and carried out my usual routine, but the pain became unbearable so I decided to see a doctor. The…

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My Commitment to CTEPH Awareness: Harry’s Story

The Road to Diagnosis As far back as my teenage years, I had experienced chronic shortness of breath. This worsened in my twenties and thirties as new symptoms emerged, including occasional chest and arm pains and general exhaustion. Over the years I sought the opinions of countless doctors, leading to misdiagnosis after misdiagnosis, …

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I Felt Like No One Was Listening to Me: Natalie’s Story

A few days after my fourth daughter was born, I went to the emergency room for terrible leg pain. They did an ultrasound and assured me I did not have any blood clots. I went back again for a second time because I was certain I had a blood clot. Again, they sent me home…

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The Emotional Toll Has Been Challenging: Jenna’s Story

In September 2020, at the age of 24 and in good health, one week away from graduating with my master’s degree, I nearly lost my life. I woke up one day with a headache slightly worse than normal. Over a week, things got worse until I was in more pain than I had ever experienced…

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My Lifelong Experience with FVL: Gemma’s Story

I was diagnosed with the genetic clotting disorder factor V Leiden when I was 15 years old. My aunty (my dad’s sister) had a blood clot during pregnancy and she learned she had FVL, which led to members of my family, including me, being tested for it too. While growing up, FVL never had any…

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Two Blood Clots 20 Years Apart: Tim’s Story

My name is Tim. I was born, raised, and still live in Salem, Arkansas. Salem is a small town with many people raising cattle. My dad always had a few heads of cattle and, growing up, I would get on calves trying to ride them. I grew older and started getting on young bulls until…

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Know Your Risk, Know the Signs: Amber’s Story

My name is Amber, and I am the mother of two children, a runner, and a nursing assistant. I lead a fairly active lifestyle. In August of 2019, I started birth control. I had previously been on birth control for several years before having my children, so I thought nothing of it when my doctor…

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I Felt Like I was Crying Wolf: Anya’s Story

In July of 2019, I nearly fainted in my lobby on my way to work. My roommate was gone all summer, so I phoned my parents who talked me through the symptoms I had and advised me to call an ambulance. I met the emergency medical technician outside and after a quick electrocardiogram of my…

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