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Factor II

I Had a Blood Clot at 14: McKenna’s Story

When I was 14, I flew to my dad’s house in California to celebrate Christmas with him and my siblings. By the middle of the week, my left thigh was swollen, red, and hot and I couldn’t walk on it. I tried many things to get myself moving, but it hurt too much.   When I…

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Know the Risks of Estrogen-Based Birth Control: Melissa’s Story

After giving birth to my daughter by emergency c-section due to preeclampsia, I started to feel very ill. My right leg was throbbing and my chest hurt. I followed up with the doctor on this, and a quick scan showed blood clots in my leg (deep vein thrombosis) and my chest (pulmonary embolism). I was…

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This Experience Changed My Entire Life: Kim’s Story

In September 2015, I was sitting in the ICU wondering how I had gotten there. Flash back to six months prior, I had severe depression and I weighed close to 300 pounds. I was also training for a 160-mile bike ride from Miami to Key West. During my training for this ride, I started experiencing…

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A Combination of Missed Risk Factors: Gina’s Story

In 2017, at 21 years old, I was undergoing my third surgery on my left knee after I had torn my ACL and meniscus playing college basketball. I was back on the court a few short weeks later, but felt that my hamstring was unusually tight. This didn’t seem right to me, so I decided…

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I Had the Perfect Storm of Risk Factors: Aimee’s Story

I was the most fit I had ever been when I had my deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary emboli (PE) at 28 years old. I ran marathons, competed in triathlons, and had just recently completed my first 100-mile bike race. After my bike race, I was struggling to recover. My legs felt heavy. My…

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Sharing My Story, My Final Step in Healing: Shelley’s Story

At 23 years old, I never thought I would be lying in a hospital bed surrounded by doctors who were baffled by one of the youngest cases of blood clots in the lung that they had ever seen. It was the summer of 2014, and my husband and I had just bought our first home…

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The Day that Changed My Life: Philip’s Story 

My name is Philip Begley, I am 56 years old, and I live in England. My story began on November 22, 1999. My truck was in for MOT annual service, so my boss said to start work late the next day. The next day came, Tuesday, and I was sitting down, putting my boots on…

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Surviving a Silent Killer: Lisa’s Story

I always thought of myself as person who wears many cape: a mom, a wife, and a friend. I was always on the go, shuffling my oldest child to high school and a job, taking both younger kids everywhere with me, while doing errands for myself, the house, the school, our brewery and at the…

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My Baby Had a CVST: Ivanna and Giovanna’s Story

My name is Giovanna, and I am the mother of baby Ivanna. We are from Mexico, and I want you to share our story. My family has a history of genetic thrombophilia – I had three DVTs in my right leg – but doctors said that we didn’t have to worry about our baby, because…

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Born with Prothrombin Mutation Gene: Tyson’s Story

I was healthy 39-year-old female, who had been married for almost a year with an 11-year-old daughter when I experienced stomach pains, diarrhea, and vomiting that concerned me. I called the doctor’s office two times in about four days, and both times, I was told I had a stomach virus and sent home. I will…

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