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Patient Stories

Misdiagnosed With Chest Wall Pain: Jim’s Story

My sport and how I got started are directly linked.  I lost my father and grandfather to blood related cancers when I was a young boy.  In 2005 I became aware of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Societies Team in Training and got involved.  I became an endurance athlete and began raising money to fight blood…

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Factor V Leiden and Birth Control: Jessica’s Story

Today was a cool, brisk November day, and I decided to go visit Jessies’ Garden. I climbed from my car and walked the short distance to the spot where our journey ended two and a half years ago. We brought her here to her final resting-place while the bagpipes she loved played Amazing Grace. I…

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Diagnosed with Antithrombin III Deficiency: Harold’s Story

In October 2008, I  found out that I have the thrombophilia known as Antithrombin (AT)  Deficiency, and I learned it the hard way.  I noticed that I felt slightly short of breath for two days, so I made an appointment with a cardiologist at the Minneapolis Heart Institute.  I was unable to keep that appointment,…

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My Gynecologist Never Warned Me of the Dangers: Jeanne’s Story

I was logging more than 100 miles on my bicycle in any given week. So, at 46 years of age, it was not surprising that from time to time my legs ached. Why wouldn’t they? And that was exactly what I told my family physician when she warned me that my leg pain could be…

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Cedric Bill’s Story

As U.S. Army Master Fitness Trainer, I was used to physically challenging my body. So, it was not unusual, when in August of 2002, I shrugged off a sharp pain in the calf of my leg – a pain that had jolted me from a restful morning sleep. “What is it,” I thought, and quickly…

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After My Sister’s Death, Our Fears Now Shift to Our Children: Kimberly Story

Kimberly Hennings of Colorado shares her and her sister’s story of pulmonary embolism.  Kim developed multiple PE’s post-surgery in November 2007.  She later found out she carries prothrombin G20210A genetic thrombophilia, as do all of her family members except her mother.  Tragically, her sister Angela died of a PE at age 40 in July 2008. …

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Owning My Coagulation Health Management

Like many of you who are reading this, I am a Warfarin “lifer.” Also, like many of you, I have experienced the frequent delays and inconvenience of waiting at busy lab sites for the brief procedure resulting in my PT-INR ratios. As a busy professional, I felt a growing need to challenge this “traditional” approach.…

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MTS Has Changed Me: Jassmin’s Story

My name is Jassmin Robinson and I am a 14 year old young lady from Ohio.  I was correctly diagnosed with May Thurner syndrome on January 1, 2008.   Another name for this syndrome is iliac vein compression syndrome, because the left iliac vein in the groin is compressed by the right iliac artery. This increases…

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Giving Back After My DVT: Karen’s Story

In July of 2004, I was diagnosed with a DVT in my left leg. I had experienced swelling and pain in my left calf, ankle and foot, in addition to fatigue. Until I was diagnosed however, I didn’t have the faintest idea what was wrong with me! My mother had experienced two PE’s years ago. I…

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A Clot From My Belly Button to Knee: Jane’s Story

It’s around 4:00 AM, and I’m still awake.  Why?  Because I am 20 years old and want to feel normal again and I can’t make what I am dealing with go any faster. My story started awhile ago.  Unknowingly, I began using a well known brand of birth control patch that was so prominent that…

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