Patient Stories
It’s Too Risky to Have More Children: Sarah’s Story
At age 26 in June 2006, I was diagnosed with a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) that extended from my ankle to my groin on my left side. I was unable to walk, because of intense pain and swelling in my leg, and I thought I was going to die. I was too scared to move,…
Birth Control Pills Can Pose a Risk for Blood Clots: Sharon’s Story
Four years ago, I found out that taking birth control pills could almost take my life! Shortly after returning from my honeymoon in December 2007, I felt severe abdominal pain. My former primary doctor changed the brand of my birth control pills, prescribed ibuprofen for pain, and eventually sent me for a pelvic ultrasound that…
Keep Your Legs Active on Flights: Melanie’s Story
Two years ago, I flew from Sydney to San Francisco, a 14 hour flight, in a middle seat in coach. I took a sleeping pill to try to beat jet leg. I slept for about 4 hours, awoke for a minute, and then went back to sleep for another 4 or 5 hours, so I…
Our 8-Year-Old Died of a Blood Clot: Garrett’s Story, as Told by his Mother
My son Garrett Elder had a stomach virus in April 2008, and a strep throat two days later that was treated with a full course of antibiotics. He developed pneumonia on day 3 and complained of leg pain during the night. His breathing became heavy and his leg became swollen and hard. We took him to…
He Shouldn’t Have Died: Nick’s Story as Told by his Parents
Nick Sanders was one of those individuals that you could not forget. It wasn’t just that he was 6 feet 6 inches tall, had red hair and played football. He was also a fun loving son, brother, grandson as well as a loyal friend and colleague. On his 25th birthday, Nick was embarking on his…
Having a DVT and PE Has Changed my Life: Nicole’s Story
My experience with Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (PE) started in June 2011, three months after I got married and spent a three week honeymoon “road tripping” around New Zealand with my husband. Late one night, I felt a twinge of pain behind my left knee. I ignored it, figuring that I tweaked…
First a Blood Clot, Then Cancer: Hope’s Story
I had just completed the greatest of my 12 marathons, the NYC Marathon! What an experience! I had never had so much fun at a race and I was determined to return the following year! In addition to this huge achievement, I had just been promoted at work. I was now one of the few…
Healthy People Can Get Blood Clots: Kelly’s Story
A year ago today, I had no idea the curve balls 2009 would throw at me, and I would have never guessed they would involve a life-changing experience involving my health. You see, I’m the “healthiest person” all of my family, friends and colleagues know. I’m studying for my Master’s in nutrition, eat more than…
You Can’t Take Breathing For Granted: Leah’s Story
My orthopedic surgeon dubbed me his “airplane” girl, because of an ironic twist of fate (and twist of my knee!). Believe it or not, I tore the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in my right knee as I was getting onto an airplane in October 2006. One would think I might be injured throwing a football…
Skinny Jeans Were a Mechanism For Torture: Kelsey’s Story
While I was on a 5 hour plane ride from Los Angeles to Manhattan, I felt a lingering ache in the back of my left knee that was uncomfortable, but nothing that caused me to feel immediate alarm. I am only 21 and have been an athlete my entire life, so I chalked it up…