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Patient Stories

AFib is Always Top of Mind: Kay’s Story

I was recently asked to present to a professional group of thought leaders about my experiences with atrial fibrillation (AFib).  In preparing for that presentation, I put a lot of thought into how I might tell this story and in wondering about how I should start my story, and I realized that I was thinking…

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My Story Ends With Hospital Discharge: Kaila’s Story

On October 25th, 2012, I called my boyfriend to come and pick me up from work, despite living just a 10-minute walk away. The bad shoulder and back pain I had been dealing with in recent days turned into a sharp stabbing sensation throughout my body, leaving me breathless and unable to walk more than…

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A Super Hero Taken Too Soon: Manu’s’ Story, as told by Christina Martin

Manu Ajamu Williams was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 14, 1977. Affectionately known as “Shaq,” he was always the life of the party and had a wide assortment of friends. Shaq stood tall at 6 feet 3 inches, and weighing in at 300 pounds he was all muscle.  He had beautiful honey-brown eyes that…

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Against the Odds, Appreciating Life: Larry’s Story

  I am 41 years old and I have been battling blood clots for more than 11 years. It started with a blood clot in my left calf. I thought it was a pulled muscle after working out, but little did I know how much my life was going to change. I was hospitalized for…

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This Has Changed Me Forever: Scarlett’s Story

When I was 14 years old, my father died at age 41 of massive pulmonary emboli (PE). At that time, there was no genetic testing to determine if he had a clotting disorder. I am 49 years old now, and I survived bilateral pulmonary emboli (PE) with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) one year ago. I…

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I Can’t Believe This Happened to Me: Alyssa’s Story

My name is Alyssa and I was diagnosed with multiple pulmonary emboli (PEs) in January 2012 at the age of 21. I have finally gotten past the “I can’t believe this happened to me” stage and have finally adopted the “I can do something about this” attitude. My three-year anniversary of pulmonary emboli is coming up…

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My Head Swelled Up Twice It’s Size: Beverly’s Story

I had just been released from the hospital due to a severe allergic reaction. I was allowed to leave, but with some medication and no signs of blood clots. It had been just two days after I left when I began to get a high fever with swollen lymph nodes on the right side of…

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Increasing Awareness of Factor V Leiden: Elizabeth Varga’s Story

I discovered that I was heterozygous for the factor V Leiden mutation in June of 2000 after my mother tested positive during a workup for superficial thrombophlebitis. My primary care physician recommended that I be tested, since I was taking oral contraceptive pills. She also had a friend who had been recently diagnosed with factor…

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Changed in an Instant: Jenna’s Story

In every person’s life, there is one instance or one moment that changes them in ways they never believed possible. A moment where they reevaluate all that they have and all that they have worked for. Whether it is a good or bad change, it is without a doubt a memorable one. Some happen later…

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My Son Had a Stroke at 17: Kyle and Laura’s Story

When my son, Kyle Posluszny, was 17 years old he developed a massive blood clot in his left leg. Doctors at the University of Michigan hospital had no idea what caused this and after being released on blood thinners, we were told, “This was your one blood clot that your given.” Recovery took a while,…

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