Resource Center 

…Blood Clots and Travel Air Travel: In-Flight …

July e-Newsletter | Athletes & Blood Clots

Blood clots can happen to even the most active and physically fit …

Outrun Danger

Why Fit Women Get Blood Clots NBCA extends appreciation to …

Factor V Leiden

…long flight, take regular walks down the aisles …

The Doctor Said a DVT Was Highly Unlikely: Kelly’s Story

…years but never had any issues with it. Three months before this happened, I had done an eight-hour flight. Neither can be clearly linked to my DVT. I am so…

The Day that Changed My Life: Kimberly’s Story

…was even confused as to why it happened. I wasn’t on birth control, I didn’t undergo any recent surgeries, and although I had taken a flight from Buffalo, NY, to…

Sandy’s Story

…I am winded going up a flight of stairs. Little …

Deep Vein Thrombosis Changed My Life: Caroline’s Story

…I didn’t take birth control. The cause of my second DVT was due to a long flight. This time around, I knew I wasn’t going to let my blood clot…

The Symptoms May Be Subtle: Bill’s Story

…taken a six-hour flight two weeks earlier, so that may have been when a clot formed. I was tested for genetic clotting disorders, which came back negative. Doctors have not…