Patient Stories
My Diagnosis Took Away the Excitement of My Pregnancy: Emmy’s Story
I was 13 weeks pregnant when I experienced an awful headache while at work. I went home and spent the evening in a dark room. When I awoke, my head still ached, but it was manageable. Over the next week, I began having headaches and nausea throughout the day, so I contacted my midwife. She…
My CVST Was Caught Just In Time: Naomi’s Story
I had my beautiful baby boy on August 26, 2023. I had a low-risk pregnancy and a water birth with no complications. At 2.5 weeks postpartum, I began to get a headache that I assumed was from sleep deprivation. As a migraine sufferer, I am used to severe headaches and had not been on my…
Life is a Gift and it’s Fragile: Cara’s Story
I was in my early 30s and enjoying life as a new mom, but I had been having a rough time for nine weeks, experiencing severe headaches and aphasia. I was worked up by a neurologist thoroughly and had all kinds of tests and scans — an MRI, MRA, an EEG — and everything was…
If I Had Waited One More Day, I Wouldn’t Be Here: Heather’s Story
Last March, I had turned 35 exactly a week before my traumatic discovery. I had a terrible, terrible, headache. I knew that after a few days of having this head pain, something wasn’t right. I was flown out of my local emergency room to a stroke center, where I was told I had two brain…
Many Doctors Aren’t Familiar with CVST: Abigail’s Story
I woke up one morning with the worst headache of my life. I immediately thought it was a migraine because my mom suffers from them. I had also been sick for weeks before, so I thought it could have been from that. So I popped a couple of ibuprofen and went to work. It never…
My Diagnosis Was Cortical Venous Thrombosis in the Vein of Labbe: Oscar’s Story
My blood clot experience started with an intense fever and headache that lasted five days before I was hospitalized. On July 26, 2023, I was leading a work call when I suddenly became unable to pronounce the words on my computer screen. My girlfriend and our housemate took me to the emergency room, and as…
I Had Three Large Blood Clots in my Brain: Jessica’s Story
In November 2016, I was at a wedding when my head started hurting. I took Tylenol, but it wouldn’t go away. In fact, it was getting worse. A couple of days later, my head hurt when I tried to turn, and I started getting pain behind my right eye and down the right side of…
I Started Losing My Vision: Lydia’s Story
June 2021 was the month my life was flipped upside down. I started experiencing intense pressure in my head and a sharp pain in my neck and shoulder that radiated down my arm. I visited my primary care doctor and an urgent care center, where I was prescribed muscle relaxers, a steroid, and was set…
The Last Thing I Remember Was Trying to Say, ‘Help me:’ Heather’s Story
My blood clot story started at a time that should’ve been the happiest of our lives — we had just become a family of four! A few days after giving birth to our second child, I developed a severe headache. Unfortunately, at the ER, I was misdiagnosed and treated for post-partum pre-eclampsia. After a few…
I Had a Blood Clot in my Brain: Jacarra’s Story
In April 2019, I began to experience symptoms similar to a sinus infection, including frontal head and eye pressure. Over the next few weeks my symptoms worsened, and they developed into nausea, weakness on one side of my body, confusion, loss of appetite, and the most prominent indication —the worst headache of my life! A…