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I Was Dismissed Twice at the ER: Erin’s Story

On November 4, 2021, at the age of 27, I started experiencing pain in my neck that shot up through my head. I figured it was just pulled a muscle, but for the next three days the pain got worse. On November 8, four days after the pain started, I decided to go to urgent…

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Mamas Get Blood Clots Too: Justine’s story

I had my first blood clot when I was 24 years old after ACL reconstruction surgery — a risk factor for blood clots that I was unaware of. After my surgery, I noticed that my arm was warm, swollen, and red, all signs of blood clots. I knew something was off, and decided to go…

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The Emotional Toll Has Been Challenging: Jenna’s Story

In September 2020, at the age of 24 and in good health, one week away from graduating with my master’s degree, I nearly lost my life. I woke up one day with a headache slightly worse than normal. Over a week, things got worse until I was in more pain than I had ever experienced…

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Trusting My Body When It Was in Trouble: Katie’s Story

In December 2016, my life felt as full as it could get. I had six kids ranging in age from 1 year old to 12 years old, a busy freelance writing career, and involvement in various community organizations, including a parent advocacy group I had helped form a year before. Yet, my concept of “busy”…

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I Was Supposed to be Fit and Healthy: Jen’s Story

On a Sunday evening in February, I got into bed and noticed I had a headache on the right side of my head. I felt pressure in my ear and thought I might have an ear infection. I couldn’t sleep much, but I got up on Monday and went into university assuming it would settle.…

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A Constant Headache Was a Sign of Something Serious: Marjorie’s Story

Eight years ago, when I was 23 years old, I suffered a deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or blood clot in my leg. My doctors put me on heparin and warfarin for six months, and I was instructed to stop hormonal birth control. I figured since I stopped estrogen-based birth control, I would be fine, even…

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Birth Control for Fertility Treatments Caused My Stroke and CVST: Antonella’s Story

December 21, 2017, started off just like any other day. I woke up early, worked out, and then got ready for work. I had a headache for two days prior. I was taking over-the-counter pain medication, but my headache was not so bad that it stopped me from my normal routine. While I was at…

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My Experience with a Blood Clot on My Brain: Amy’s Story

I’m a 25-year-old woman who doesn’t smoke, drink very often, or use any kind of drugs. I take care of myself, and I try to keep active. Over the past year, I have been in and out of the doctor’s office with a lump on my face. The lump was getting bigger, which was concerning…

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Staying Positive Through My Experience with CVST: Maddie’s Story

Maddie first learned about blood clots from reading the warning label on her estrogen-based birth control prescription, but she never thought one would happen to her, especially in her brain. Read about her CVST diagnosis and recovery, and find out how she chooses to stay positive.

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My Baby Had a CVST: Ivanna and Giovanna’s Story

My name is Giovanna, and I am the mother of baby Ivanna. We are from Mexico, and I want you to share our story. My family has a history of genetic thrombophilia – I had three DVTs in my right leg – but doctors said that we didn’t have to worry about our baby, because…

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