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A Life-Threatening Diagnosis Changed My Life: Ashley Cassidy’s Story

I was 23 years old in 2013, and I was a healthy individual who was very physically active, running, and going to the gym preparing for boot camp. It was July and two months before I was scheduled to leave for basic training to fulfill my Navy Corpsman contract that I had signed seven months…

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I’m a Survivor: Paul’s Story

Before that day, I was physically fit. I had recently won the National Championship in the Firefighter Combat Challenge. I was a full time Captain with the Fire Department, and the single parent of a 19 year old son, and 16 and 9 year old daughters. I was happy, my kids were happy. Life was…

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Changed in an Instant: Jenna’s Story

In every person’s life, there is one instance or one moment that changes them in ways they never believed possible. A moment where they reevaluate all that they have and all that they have worked for. Whether it is a good or bad change, it is without a doubt a memorable one. Some happen later…

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I’m the Most Positive Person in the World: Colleen’s Story

My name is Colleen Meredith and my first experience with blood clots occurred my second year of college after having a lobectomy (a surgical procedure that removes a lobe of one of the lungs). I was on my university’s soccer team for my university, and I felt like I was always ill to the point…

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As a Doctor, I Was in Denial: Tanya’s Story

  My name is Tanya Warwick, MD. I am a Vascular Neurologist – a doctor who evaluates, treats and studies diseases that affect the structure and function of the blood vessels supplying the brain, such as strokes – at the University of California San Francisco/Fresno. I am also a patient who had a pelvic DVT…

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I Had My First PE at 16: Cassie’s Story

Cassie Sheffield and her birth family were affected by blood clots, and discovered that the family has a genetic blood clotting disorder, Antithrombin (AT) III deficiency, that carries a high risk for blood clots.  Cassie not only developed multiple pulmonary emboli in her teenage years, she learned that her mother and two brothers had AT…

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I Ignored My Symptoms: Geraldine’s Story

A few years ago, I felt unusually weak, faint, and short of breath while walking with my husband and three children.  I needed to take breaks to rest and catch my breath. Given that I work full time as a Registered Nurse and am 37 years old, I thought I was just tired from a long and…

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 I Still Live With a 6-Inch Blood Clot: Cassandra’s Story

Cassandra Bradshaw was at death’s door due to a large blood clot found in her inferior vena cava and an infection after delivery, but she refused to believe her prognosis and is now a hopeful survivor who wants to spread awareness. I was 23 years old when I gave birth to a sweet baby boy…

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Birth Control Pills Can Pose a Risk for Blood Clots: Sharon’s Story

Four years ago, I found out that taking birth control pills could almost take my life! Shortly after returning from my honeymoon in December 2007, I felt severe abdominal pain. My former primary doctor changed the brand of my birth control pills, prescribed ibuprofen for pain, and eventually sent me for a pelvic ultrasound that…

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Adjusting to the New Normal: Desirre’s Story

My family and I had just returned from a ski trip to New Mexico in January 2009, and it was one of those marathon trips where we drove straight through for 11 hours. My legs felt heavy during the trip, and even though we did not make a lot of stops, I kept moving them…

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