My DVT Was Misdiagnosed as Postpartum Swelling: Chelsea’s Story

…check into the ICU for the weekend and they burst my clot with sound waves. He also diagnosed me with May-Thurner syndrome. In the weeks following, I felt so much…

Protein S deficiency: a clinical perspective

…vitamin K-antagonist therapy, oral contraceptives, pregnancy and …

It’s Too Risky to Have More Children: Sarah’s Story

…don’t remember much of what went on in the hospital that time, but I was diagnosed with May-Thurner Syndrome (MTS) for which I was given a clot busting drug and…

I Didn’t Think Blood Clots Could Happen to Me: Jim’s Story

…way to pinpoint the cause of my neuropathy. He does think that I may have Post-Thrombotic Syndrome (PTS). He noted that I have deep venous insufficiency and an incompetent saphenous…

Air Travel and Deep Vein Thrombosis DVT

…described “Economy Class Syndrome” …

This Needed More than a Tylenol Prescription: Ashley’s Story

Syndrome, a condition where the right iliac artery compresses the left iliac vein and increases your risk of developing blood clots. Since this diagnosis, I’ve struggled with post-thrombotic anxiety, but…

Her Death Taught Us Lessons: Deborah’s Story As Told By Her Twin Sister, Mary

…DVT, and occasionally in between her first and second. No one ever mentioned a possible complication of post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS). She was home for a week after her hospitalization, and…

The Pressure and Pain Were Unbearable: Autumn’s Story

…the pandemic and all. In terms of risk factors, I was taking estrogen-based birth control and I was also diagnosed with May-Thurner syndrome. Even four years later, I still have…

Two Blood Clots 20 Years Apart: Tim’s Story

…to look for underlying clotting disorders were done. It was discovered that I have factor V Leiden, post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS), and several occluded or blocked veins in my legs. Learning…

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