
May is Women’s Health Month: Nominate Your VTE Shero

May is Women’s Health Month: Nominate Your VTE Shero

shero (noun)

  1. a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a heroine.

May is Women’s Health Month (download our 2023 toolkit here!) and the National Blood Clot Alliance is celebrating VTE Sheroes! That is, women who have made a positive impact — large or small — in the life of a blood clot patient or the blood clot community as a whole.

All month, we’ll be sharing your VTE Sheroes on our website and social media. If you have a woman in your life who fits this description, please tell us about her. You can anonymously nominate as many sheroes as you want, and you can even nominate yourself!

For example, she could be:

  • A caregiver of a blood clot patient who goes the extra mile
  • A loved one of a person who has died from a blood clot who channels their grief into action
  • A medical professional who provides excellent care
  • A government or corporate professional who has taken on VTE as her cause
  • An advocate for awareness who spreads the word about the signs and symptoms of blood clots
  • A blood clot patient whose story and actions have made a difference

Please fill out this form and attach at least one photo of your shero. Let’s lift up and honor the women who do so much to Stop the Clot®! To read about the sheroes who have already been submitted, click here.

Questions? Email info@stoptheclot.org