A Constant Headache Was a Sign of Something Serious: Marjorie’s Story

…a constant headache, get help! If you lose vision or can’t move a limb, get help! Resources Factor V Leiden Birth Control and Blood Clots Psychological Impact of Blood Clots…

Water Aerobics Keeps the Swelling Down: Gus’ Story

…experienced blood clots. Five years ago, my sister developed clots in her lungs (pulmonary emboli) and underwent testing for genetic clotting disorders. She was positive for factor V Leiden, prompting…

My Life Is Not the Same: Lisa’s Story

…a serious heart attack. A two-inch clot was stuck in my left ventricle. I was also diagnosed with heterozygous factor V Leiden, protein C and S deficiency, and polycythemia vera,…

There is Life After Blood Clots: Rebekah Bradford’s Story

…around my lung from what turned out to be a life-saving Frisbee collision. In the hospital, September 2012, I learned that I have the Factor V Leiden gene and this…

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism Podcast Transcript

…sense of knowledge, because just having, for example, the …

Climbing to New Heights: Wes’ Story

…doctor. My primary care doctor referred me to a hematologist for blood tests, since it was an unprovoked blood clot. My tests came back positive for factor V Leiden with…

The Staff Was Unable to Restart His Heart: Joel’s Story

…because of the flu or a minor injury from weightlifting or pickup basketball. After his death, Joel tested positive for factor V Leiden, a genetic clotting disorder. All immediate family…

Blood Clot Survivors Can Do Anything: Ashley’s Story

…the results showed I had factor V Leiden, a blood clotting disorder. I was referred to a cardiologist in Boston and embarked on a six-month-long journey full of tests and…

I Was Told I Had a UTI: Jennifer’s Story

…also carries factor V Leiden and was immediately taken off birth control. Since that day, I’ve spent many hours before and after work in doctors’ offices undergoing tests. I’ve been…

I’m Very Grateful for my Blood Clots: Erica’s Story

…have the factor V Leiden blood clotting disorder. It’s believed that this and my estrogen-based birth control led to the blood clots. My brother tested positive for factor V Leiden,…