
FDA Raises Question about Birth Control and Blood Clot

FDA Raises Question about Birth Control and Blood Clot

FDA has raised questions about the safety of a popular birth control pill, Yaz [drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol], puts women at a 75% greater risk of blood clots than older forms of birth control.” Traci Wilkes-Smith, Vice-President of the National Blood Clot Alliance said that “it is important that woman considering birth control be fully informed of the risks and these should be discussed with their treating physicians.” Ultimately, the patient needs to make the choice about what to do. And of course, if you develop any symptoms of blood clots, seek medical assistance at once.”

The FDA advises that “Patients should talk to their healthcare professional about their risk for blood clots before deciding which birth control pill to use. Known risk factors that increase the risk of a blood clot include smoking, being overweight (obesity), and family history of blood clots, in addition to other factors that contraindicate use of birth control pills…Women currently taking a drospirenone-containing birth control pill should be informed of the
potential risk for blood clots. FDA has prepared a list of questions and answers to provide an overview of this potential safety issue.”

The following is the link to the FDA release. http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm277346.htm

The following is a link to the full report. http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/DrugSafety/UCM277384.pdf

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