
When it Comes to Your Health, Your Choices Matter

When it Comes to Your Health, Your Choices Matter

Learn more about Birth Control & Blood Clots During National Women’s Health Week

There are more than 60 million women of child-bearing age in the United States, and the majority of them report using some form of birth control. In fact, the birth control pill is their number one choice. While research shows that birth control pills are safe and effective, just like any other medication, they can pose some risks, which is why all women should take control of their health and carefully evaluate these potential risks when considering birth control options.

When it comes to birth control, your choices matter. One risk associated with any form of hormonal birth control that contains estrogen, including the pill, patch, or ring, is a life-threatening blood clot. The use of birth control pills with estrogen increases a woman’s risk for blood clots three-fold, and some of the newer birth control pills women use pose a risk two-times greater than older birth control pills. The use of patches and rings containing estrogen poses a risk double that of birth control pills. Women with a clotting disorder, a previous blood clot, or a family history of blood clots are at an even greater risk.

Your Choices Matter: Reduce Your Risk for Life-Threatening Blood Clots

Join the National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA) during National Women’s Health Week (NWHW), May 10-16, 2020, as we work together with the Alexandra L. Rowan Memorial Foundation to provide women with life-saving information about birth control and blood clots, and to help them determine, along with their doctor, their risk for blood clots and all of their birth control options. Together, we are encouraging women to visit Women & Blood Clots for more information about birth control and blood clots. Even if you are a woman at risk for blood clots, it is still possible for you to plan your family as you choose, by understanding your risk for blood clots and taking these simple steps to reduce your risk:

A Lifetime of Choices that Impact Women’s Health

Women make choices spanning their entire lifetime that can increase their blood clot risk. In addition to the risk for blood clots connected to hormonal birth control, women are also at risk during pregnancy and childbirth, and when estrogen is used in the treatment of menopause symptoms later in life. Learn more about how women can take steps to reduce their risk for blood clots:

Connect with NBCA on Social Media

Follow us on Women & Blood Clots Twitter and Instagram, as well as Stop the Clot® FacebookTwitter, and Instagram, where we will be sharing new content related to women and blood clots each day during National Women’s Health Week as well as the entire month of May. You can help make a difference by sharing our posts with your social media networks using the hashtags #stoptheclot #sharetostoptheclot and #yourchoicesmatter. You can also sign up for our Share to Stop the Clot® social media sharing initiative and chat with people who have experienced blood clots due to estrogen-based birth control, pregnancy and childbirth, and the treatment of menopause symptoms in our online peer-to-peer support community: Join Inspire

Learn More About Blood Clots

Each year, up to 900,000 people are affected by blood clots, and about 100,000 people will die because of blood clots. However, many of these deaths can be prevented simply by sharing life-saving information. To learn more about women and blood clot risks, signs and symptoms, and prevention, please visit and share www.womenandbloodclots.org.